Thursday, May 27, 2021

8 Tips for Dealing with Invisalign Discomfort

If you’re ready to transform your smile, orthodontic treatment using Invisalign has many advantages. According to Invisalign, clear aligners fit your life – not interrupt it. And at every stage, you’ll be able to see your progress and enjoy your smile as it transforms. 

The sole purpose of orthodontic treatment, whether traditional braces, removable appliances, retainers, or headgear, is to shift the teeth and jaw into proper position by applying force. But with shifting comes unwanted discomfort. Nobody enjoys dealing with discomfort, especially when it comes to our teeth, but everyone wants a straight smile. It’s a tradeoff you have to be willing to make. 

But don’t let this deter you from undergoing treatment! If you’re looking to achieve the smile you’ve always envied, and you’re a candidate for Invisalign treatment, it’s important to remember that the discomfort you’ll experience is minimal compared to the results you’ll see in the end. 

As your teeth shift into their prescribed positions based on the treatment plan designed by your orthodontist, they will likely feel sore and sensitive while the aligners work. In this article, we’ll discuss the challenges you may face during Invisalign treatment and tips you can follow to ensure a comfortable treatment experience. 

Use A Cold Compress & Drink Cold Water

As you begin your Invisalign journey, you’ll immediately experience some pain. On the bright side, your teeth will become accustomed to the pressure after a few months of consistently wearing your aligners. To alleviate soreness or reduce swelling, consider using a cold compress to numb the area and minimize some of the pain. Additionally, drinking cold water will help gently numb the sore area. Remember, there’s no need to remove your Invisalign when drinking water. 

Choose Soft Foods & Eliminate Hard Foods

Since your teeth will be adjusting to the aligners, you will experience some sensitivity and may have to make some changes your diet. Choosing soft foods that won’t cause pain when you bite into them is a good way to not cause any further pain. Though it may seem discouraging to eliminate some of your favourite foods, remember, unlike traditional braces, you can still eat whatever you want when undergoing Invisalign treatment! Choosing soft foods is recommended until your teeth have become accustomed to your new set of trays. 

Feel Free To Use Over The Counter Painkillers 

Teeth pain is arguably one of the most uncomfortable experiences to have to endure. Thankfully, over-the-counter medications, like ibuprofen or aspirin, is suitable to temporarily alleviate discomfort. As with any medication, be sure to follow the directions for use and recommended dosage listed. 

Try Not To Remove Your Aligners Too Often

Even if the pain seems unbearable, it’s essential not to remove your Invisalign too often. The aligners must be worn at least 22 hours a day, and if not, it will compromise your treatment plan. You should only be removing your aligners to eat, drink (anything but water), and brush and floss your teeth. If you leave your aligners out for too long and then insert them after an extended period of time, your teeth will have adjusted and the aligners will feel very tight. To avoid any unwanted additional discomfort, be sure to follow the recommendations of your orthodontist and reduce how often they are removed. 

Switch To Your New Invisalign Trays Before Bed

On average, Invisalign trays are changed every two weeks. With each new set comes new added pressure to your teeth. To avoid dealing with a full day of pain, try switching to your new set of aligners before bed and take an over-the-counter painkiller to help you sleep. This will avoid having to deal with a full day of pain and any temptation to remove the aligners to provide relief. 

Make Sure Your Invisalign Is Inserted Properly 

It may take some time to get used to properly inserting and removing your Invisalign trays. The aligners must be snapped into place and pushed in completely. You’ll be able to notice right away if they are not in their proper position. An improperly inserted aligner will likely cause more pain because it’s essentially pulling your teeth in the wrong position. Practice makes perfect!

Stay On Schedule

Your Invisalign treatment was specifically developed to treat your case. That being said, you must stay on a specific schedule. This schedule is custom-tailored to you to minimize pain while still achieving optimal results. It’s important to not rush your treatment.

Practice Patience

And finally, orthodontic treatment requires patience. If you’re taking the initiative to correct your smile, it’s important to remember that it takes time. Exact success rates are difficult to predict, as each case is different based on the patient’s specific needs. The duration of treatment will vary from case to case, but if you’re a candidate for Invisalign treatment, the treatment plan can be relatively faster than traditional braces. Your new smile will be worth the wait.  

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Conventional Braces vs. Clear Aligners

Your smile is one of the first things someone notices about you. Studies have shown that the more a person smiles, the more confidence they exude. We all desire a beautiful and straight smile – but let’s face it, most people aren’t born with perfectly aligned teeth.

Depending on how much intervention is needed to straighten your smile, braces are typically a good option for those with uneven teeth. Orthodontics is often associated with children and early treatment can create the necessary space for permanent teeth. However, many adults undergo orthodontic treatment to realign their teeth in hopes of achieving a straighter smile. Since the basic process of tooth movement is universal in children and adults alike, orthodontic treatment can be started at any age.

In today’s society, aesthetics play a large role in overall confidence. Those with uneven teeth or a misaligned bite may feel insecure about their appearance. That being said, deciding to have your teeth straightened is not only just to improve appearance but to improve the overall function of the teeth and jaw muscles.

The best option to correct misalignment issues will depend on several different factors. Braces are the best-known orthodontic treatment to help straighten teeth and realign them to a corrected position. They are suitable for both minor and complex orthodontic issues including misalignment, underbite, overbite, and crossbite. There are a variety of options to choose from when it comes to braces such as traditional metal, clear, or aligners. 

Traditional metal braces are brackets that are attached to the teeth with a metal archwire fixed to the brackets. Some people have brackets that clamp onto the archwire, while others will have ligatures, more commonly known as rubber bands, that connect the brackets and the wires. If you have an overbite or underbite that needs to be corrected, you may also be required to wear rubber bands that connect the bottom and top rows of your teeth.

Once the braces have been placed, they require adjustment to move the teeth into their optimal position. Regular follow-up appointments are necessary to allow your orthodontist to monitor the treatment progress.

If you opt for clear braces, the appearance will be more discreet but not transparent. Instead, the brackets are made from a shade of ceramic that appropriately matches your teeth' colour. This helps the brackets blend seamlessly with your smile. The only noticeable aspect of the clear braces will be the thin, metal archwire that helps shift the teeth to the proper alignment. 

Clear aligners seem to now be the most popular choice amongst orthodontic patients, especially for those who require adult orthodontic treatment. Clear aligners, such as Invisalign, are transparent, removable trays that are custom-made to fit your smile. Made of clear plastic material, they are lower profile than traditional braces and do not require metal brackets or wires. Clear aligners are changed every two weeks on average. The best part? Most people won’t notice you’re wearing them!


Similar to traditional braces, clear aligners do require some work. Orthodontic treatment using clear aligners is faster than treatment using conventional braces if you follow the treatment plan properly. Adjustment appointments are still necessary and scheduled based on your orthodontist’s recommendation. Since patient compliance is essential to the success of the treatment, patients are required to be regimented and disciplined about wearing the aligners for at least 22 hours a day to effectively complete the treatment plan and not compromise the results.

Though braces may be discouraging, it’s important to remember the reward of a lifetime at the end of your orthodontic journey – a smile that you’re proud to show off. 

Visiting the Orthodontist During Covid

A common goal amongst healthcare professionals is to promote and protect the health and well-being of patients. Even when the world isn’t battling a global pandemic, dentists and their teams are following infection control protocols and operating with the utmost caution at all times.

For the health and safety of staff and patients, dental practices were required to implement new regulations in the office. Its common knowledge that offices are obligated to meet the required safety protocols and have proper PPE (personal protective equipment) in place to manage patients and operate successfully. Along with revised safety and PPE regulations, physical distancing protocols have been enforced for the foreseeable future.

Regular visits to your orthodontist are essential during orthodontic treatment but you can feel at ease knowing that rules and regulations are in place to ensure your visit is as safe as possible. Lets discuss a few of the changes that you may notice on your next trip to the orthodontist. 

Before Your Appointment

To help ensure that patients arriving for appointments are healthy, the office may call you ahead of time to ask questions regarding your current state of health. Youll be advised to arrive at the exact time of your scheduled appointment and to wait outside or in the car if you happen to arrive early. This will avoid over-crowding in the reception area and help alleviate any potential risks. The reception area will also look slightly different than before. Chairs will be appropriately spaced apart to abide by social distancing measures and non-essential items will be removed to avoid the number of touchable surfaces. In addition, anyone accompanying you to an appointment should wait outside and be contacted by phone when the appointment is finished.

At Your Appointment

First and foremost, you must wear a mask until you’ve been seated in the dental chair. You’ll be asked to sanitize your hands immediately upon entering your orthodontists office. A team member will have you fill out COVID-related consent forms in regards to your health and will also take your temperature to make sure youre healthy enough to be in the office. When youre in the dental chair, you may notice some things look different from the last time you were there, and this includes your orthodontist and other team members. Safe, effective, and high-quality personal protective equipment, such as masks, face shields, gloves, and gowns, are required to meet regulatory standards. This should provide a sense of security to know that your dental providers are wearing the proper equipment to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and to keep you safe. 

After Your Appointment

When your appointment is complete, team members will thoroughly disinfect all areas with cleaning solutions that are effective against the virus. This eliminates any risk of illness being passed to others. 

Though you may feel a sense of uncertainty when it comes to dental appointments during the pandemic, keep in mind that regular dental visits are essential to your overall health. We are all taking the necessary steps to ensure that health and safety remain a top priority. Remember, we are all in this together. 

What To Expect When You Start Invisalign Treatment

For many years, traditional metal braces were the most common option to correct orthodontic issues. Dental technology, specifically in ortho...