For many patients, correcting misaligned teeth and bite issues can be a long orthodontic treatment plan. Once desired results are achieved and appliances are finally removed, it may come as a surprise that a retainer is a next step in your orthodontic journey. But, your retainer is just as important as your braces.
Retainers are an essential tool in maintaining your new, straight, and beautiful smile. But what about maintaining your retainer? Let’s discuss a few dos and don’ts.
First, for obvious reasons, never wear your retainer while brushing your teeth. Though you may think this more convenient and time-efficient, your teeth will not receive an effective or proper cleaning. It will also make brushing all sides of your retainer impossible. This rule also applies to eating! Though it may be inconvenient to remove your retainer before each meal or snack, it’s important to do so to avoid any damage. If not removed, food and plaque will become trapped against your teeth and will also leave your retainer in an undesirable and bacteria-filled state.
For removable retainers, it is important to clean with lukewarm water after each time you eat. To achieve a deeper clean, feel free to use mild dish soap. You can also speak to your orthodontist about recommended retainer-specific cleaners or tablets. Surprisingly, you should avoid using toothpaste to clean your retainer, as its abrasive qualities could scratch the surface. Toothpaste could also create pockets for bacteria to form and hide. Alongside toothpaste, it’s recommended to avoid using alcohol-based solutions that could damage or even corrode your retainer. You can occasionally soak your retainer in mouthwash for a fresh feel and taste but be sure to mix an equal amount of water since alcohol is included in the formula. If your orthodontist has inserted a fixed retainer, the cleaning process is simple: brush after each meal and floss under the wire and in between the attached teeth.
When temporarily removing your retainer to eat, drink, or when brushing or flossing, it’s important to always store it in its accompanying case for safekeeping. Could you imagine taking out your retainer, folding it in a napkin on the counter, and someone accidentally tossing it in the trash? Create a routine that you can stick to each time your retainer is not in your mouth. This will avoid any potential mishaps. Most importantly, it’ll also protect your retainer from being exposed to unwanted bacteria and germs.
Over time, your retainer may become loose and not fit your teeth as tightly as it once did. It’s also possible for calcium to accumulate which will impact how your retainer fits, even despite your diligent cleaning routine. If a retainer needs replacing due to damage or fit, make an appointment with your orthodontist as soon as possible to get a new one. Don’t wait until your next check-up as teeth are likely to shift without the assistance of a retainer.
It is your responsibility to stay dedicated to your retainer as it ensures the continued success of orthodontic treatment. To be blunt, it’s not an option – it’s a necessity. An orthodontist can only advise on the important role retainers play in maintaining the hard work achieved by braces, so it’s up to the patient to take proper care and follow all recommendations and instructions by the orthodontist.
With proper retainer care and wear, your new smile will remain healthy and beautiful. But remember, ensuring your teeth remain straight is just the beginning of good oral health. Be sure to stay on top of your at-home oral care routine, visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and hygiene appointments, and show off that beautiful smile you’ve worked so hard to achieve.